GIS project management knowledge and skills
Data management, integration and analysis of a variety of spatial and non-spatial data, including vectors, rasters, point clouds, data base design and development.
Physical Abilities
Physical abilities
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Technology Skills
Technology skills
Importance:5 (Max:5)
Skill is required all the time
Cognitive Abilities
Cognitive abilities
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Comprehension And Expression
Comprehension and expression skills
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Social Skills
Social skills
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Organisation And Execution Skills
Organisation and execution skills
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Problem Solving Skills
Problem solving skills
Importance:4 (Max:5)
Skill is frequently required
Management Skills
Management skills
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Data management, integration and analysis of a variety of spatial and non-spatial data, including vectors, rasters, point clouds, data base design and development.
GIS technicians are usually equipped with strong programming skills and database management experience. They are able to work efficiently and meet project schedules, with good communication, presentation and interpersonal skills.