Watch repairing knowledge and skills
Watchmakers should be able to diagnose, locate and repair faults in the manufacture of watches and clocks, systematically records these faults and recommends changes to minimise such occurrence.
Physical Abilities
Physical abilities
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Technology Skills
Technology skills
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Cognitive Abilities
Cognitive abilities
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Comprehension And Expression
Comprehension and expression skills
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Social Skills
Social skills
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Organisation And Execution Skills
Organisation and execution skills
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Problem Solving Skills
Problem solving skills
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Management Skills
Management skills
Importance:2 (Max:5)
Skill is occasionally required
Watchmakers should be able to diagnose, locate and repair faults in the manufacture of watches and clocks, systematically records these faults and recommends changes to minimise such occurrence.
Watchmakers should have good eye sight and able to sit and concentrate for long period of time.
Watchmakers should have steady hands to delicately manipulate small mechanisms, apparatus and components by using specialised instruments, hand tools, and equipment.
Watchmakers must need to repair products according to exact specifications. They must have patience and pay attention to large and small details on the pieces they repair.
Academic qualification
Professional qualification
Monthly Salary $13,000 - $16,000
Monthly Salary $17,000 - $20,000
Monthly Salary $20,000 - $35,000