Professional knowledge and skills in maritime services
Chief Officers (Maritime) must always apply professional knowledge and skills in maritime services to solve issues and problems at work.
Physical Abilities
Physical abilities
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Technology Skills
Technology skills
Importance:4 (Max:5)
Skill is frequently required
Cognitive Abilities
Cognitive abilities
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Comprehension And Expression
Comprehension and expression skills
Importance:4 (Max:5)
Skill is frequently required
Social Skills
Social skills
Importance:3 (Max:5)
Skill is basically required
Organisation And Execution Skills
Organisation and execution skills
Importance:5 (Max:5)
Skill is required all the time
Problem Solving Skills
Problem solving skills
Importance:5 (Max:5)
Skill is required all the time
Management Skills
Management skills
Importance:5 (Max:5)
Skill is required all the time
Chief Officers (Maritime) must always apply professional knowledge and skills in maritime services to solve issues and problems at work.
Chief Officers (Maritime) must be able to use navigational equipment to assist Ship Master to navigate and steer ship.
Academic qualification
Professional qualification
Monthly Salary $10,000-$15,000
Monthly Salary $15,000-$23,000
Monthly Salary $18,000-$27,000
Monthly Salary $23,000-$35,000
Monthly Salary $40,000-$80,000
Degree or above
Higher Diploma
Required Courses as Prescribed by the Industry