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Advertising Art Directors

Descriptions & Duties

  • Advertising Art Directors develop concepts, layouts and graphics. Involve in art direction of TV commercials, press advertisements and other art productions. Maintain the quality in graphic executions.

Generic Competencies

Physical Abilities

Physical abilities

  • Physical strength
  • Eye hand coordination / precision / dexterity


Importance:2 (Max:5) 

Skill is occasionally required


Technology Skills

Technology skills

  • Computer literacy
  • Application of technology


Importance:4 (Max:5) 

Skill is frequently required


Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive abilities

  • Creativity
  • Visualisation
  • Logical thinking


Importance:5 (Max:5) 

Skill is required all the time


Comprehension And Expression

Comprehension and expression skills

  • Reading comprehension
  • Oral / written expression


Importance:5 (Max:5) 

Skill is required all the time


Social Skills

Social skills

  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Persuasion


Importance:5 (Max:5) 

Skill is required all the time


Organisation And Execution Skills

Organisation and execution skills

  • Planning
  • Organising
  • Judgement
  • Decision making


Importance:4 (Max:5) 

Skill is frequently required


Problem Solving Skills

Problem solving skills

  • Ability to solve simple and complex problems effectively and efficiently


Importance:4 (Max:5) 

Skill is frequently required


Management Skills

Management skills

  • Leadership
  • Management of finance / time / people / other resources


Importance:5 (Max:5) 

Skill is required all the time


Trade Specific Competencies

Creativity and aesthetic judgement

Advertising Art Directors should be able to evaluate and determine the innovative ideas to develop advertising campaigns. He/She should be able to lead and articulate their artistic vision to design teams, motivate them on utilizing various art styles, such as photographs, animation, or art and oversees the production.

Communication skills

Advertising Art Directors would require good communication skills to discuss with clients on ideas, works and updates as well as present the final project to clients.

General Requirements

Academic qualification

  • Usually have a higher diploma or an art, design, visual communications, graphic design, digital media or related disciplines


  • At least 5 to 7 years' relevant experience

Career Path & Salary

Private Sector

Monthly Salary $15,000-$20,000

Monthly Salary $20,000-$30,000

Monthly Salary $30,000-$50,000 or above

Related Education & Training

Work Environment

  • Advertising Art Directors work in offices during regular business hours, but long hours of work are common. May travel to meet with clients. Typically work closely with top executives.


  • Computers with project management software

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